Sunday, February 11, 2018

My face book policy.

1) Those who uses nasty language or constant troll on my timeline will be deleted. 2) I will edit my status or comments if I feel I need to edit 3) I never call anyone names( stupid, dimwit, superficial etc) based on sweeping quick judgement 4) If I agree I will say so and if disagree I will say so with respect 5) I will not personally target any person though may write political critique of even my closest friends in governments 5) I will not use any unparliamentary language against a person on my timeline 6) I only accept friends requests only those with clear identity (profile photo, time line posts, background ) 7) I am not desperate to have so many thousands of followers and will not market myself to get thousands of followers. Those who want to follow are free to follow. 8).I may politically disagree or challenge a post of a person but I may also like that person as a person. 9).Facebook for me is a space to share and learn and not a place to score brownie points 10) I will not get in to argument with anyone simply for the sake of arguments.11) Choice of language : I write in Malayalam when I address an issue of Kerala or Malayali speech community and English for everyone. I also prefer to have friends from all over the world rather from only from Kerala and India.

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